Sunday, October 25, 2009

All I Can Say

Sitting cross-legged in a cross-stitched basement
over relationship coffee
when somebody says
“chew on this, it tastes
like Childhood”
and I accept something sticky
from a puppet’s mouth

I sense
the opinion on flip-flops is not high here.
Is that a good enough reason
to wear them

The right tattoo
can make you appear as if you have something interesting
to say.
So I got one on the bottom of my big toe (seven stars)
as a greenhorn
and for a week I let the rain dress me
but even that seemed sterile
after the press conference.

who here can knit?
(Knitting is stupid)
can you knit me small hat?

My dad said “gay”
at a family party
in a dream
and I woke up and our city
had a good baseball team
and I encountered
a fiery wheel in the basement

warning me:
When you see the forked tongues of last year
you must resist drawing your knife
to slice them

and your golden bare body
is not to be trusted
tomorrow or ever

as it speaks of safaris in Texas with maidens
from Memphis in the wagon,
wiping eye gunk from my eye
reading a poem called “Monuments Pt. V”
or altering the course of man’s bowels.

It’s already busted.

In this moment I am picturing my ex-girlfriend
as a constellation.
In another moment a toad will hop over my foot.



  1. wow. amazing. i really loved reading this. strong imagery. potently composed.

  2. and your golden bare body
    is not to be trusted
    tomorrow or ever

    all of this is very good good good.

  3. itting cross-legged in a cross-stitched basement
    over relationship coffee

